Social Media Policy
I. Intention (Objectives)
The intent of this policy is to :
A. Guide members in the proper use of SM to disseminate information pertinent to the grooming industry and to further the connection between members and the grooming community.
B. Ensure that content posted on IPPGA SM channels by any member supports the goals of the IPPGA and its role in industry education.
C. Ensure that all members engaging on IPPGA social media channels have an understanding of expected standards of behavior and how they will be managed by the IPPGA board.
II. Extent (Scope)
A. This policy applies to:
all people communicating through official IPPGA channels
people interacting on any social media , official or unofficial, in a manner that conveys a direct connection to IPPGA.
officers of IPPGA with the responsibility for managing IPPGA social media channels.
III. Policy Statement
A. The IPPGA expects all members to behave appropriately and respectfully in social media channels.
B. IPPGA social media channels shall:
adhere to IPPGA ethics, terms, and membership rules,
exhibit behavior that is courteous and respectful at all times,
comply with IPPGA policy and the law,
additionally comply with the policies of the specific social media channels the participant is using, including the Terms of Service for that specific platform or channel,
avoid personal attacks, bullying behavior, and limit comments to topics under discussion,
when commenting about the IPPGA, to be certain the information provided is accurate and informed
Be responsible in choosing information to post via IPPGA social media channels
C. When posting content, all participants should be aware that:
Comments are immediately available to a broad audience
Content posted may be copied and permanently available online
Posts may be taken out of context or used for unintended purposes by others
Your interaction with the post may be interpreted in ways you didn’t intend (ex: liking as an endorsement)
The security settings for the platform may not be sufficient to keep your post private. Be mindful in what you post.
The IPPGA Board reserves the right to remove posts that are in violation of theguidelines and rules.
D. Members may not make comments on SM on behalf of the IPPGA if not authorized, nor may they make posts damaging to the reputation of the IPPGA.
E. Board members or others in corporate roles may not make public commercial endorsements as the IPPGA and be mindful that their posted content supports the IPPGA goals
F. Posts containing creative content must Be publicly available or licensed for use under an appropriate release (i.e., public domain, creative commons, intellectual property release).
G. No one may post content on official IPPGA SM channels that:
Is political
Involves religion
Broadcasts false or misleading information
Is AI generated in any form.
Is bullying, abusive, harassment, hate speech, profanity, or sexually explicit
Breaks or encourages breaking modern law or IPPGA policies
Engages in doxing of anyone, member or non-member
Intentionally disruptive or trolling
Endangers or threatens the safety of others
Content that involves fund raising
Publish links to sites that break any of these rules
IV. Social Media Policy Glossary
• Channel: A website with specialized internet TV programming with a single producer or multiple producers. producer.
• Doxing: The action or process of searching for and publishing private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet, typically with malicious intent.
• Platform: A digital service connecting two or more interrelated sets of business or individual customers on different sides of the market including commercial and social networking opportunities
• Post: A message placed on the internet, newsgroup or website for anyone to read and is accessible anywhere in the world.
• Public Domain The state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole, and therefore not subject to copyright.
• Social Media Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content which includes messages, photos and video and/or to participate in social networking.