Our Mission
Established in 2015, the Illinois Professional Pet Groomers Association (IPPGA) is a collaboration of professional cat and dog groomers that have formed a 501(c) non-profit Mutual Benefit Organization. The Mission of the Illinois Professional Pet Groomers Association is to ensure consistency of animal care, and safety standards for the grooming industry in Illinois, while promoting continuing education and advocacy in public policy.
Our Goal
We strive to provide information so that every member treats all animals entrusted to their care with patience and compassion, ensuring its safety, health and well-being. Each member pledges to follow the IPPGA Safety and Sanitation Guidelines and NPPGA Standards for best practices and held to the IPPGA Code of Ethics in which professional behavior is paramount while each member maintains their businesses with transparency, compassion and integrity toward their clients at all times while encouraging participation in continuing education within the industry and developing professionally.